How to treat a rusty sheet metal roof?

The harsh winter weather conditions test all types of roofs, including sheet metal roofs. Don’t panic if you think you have a rusty tin roof! It is normal to notice, when the good weather arrives, that its tin roof shows signs of deterioration. Moreover, a well-maintained sheet metal roof can have a lifespan of 50 to 100 years! For metal roofing, there is only one effective and durable solution: paint! It is when the weather is dry that it is necessary to repaint. Summer is therefore the ideal season to refurbish your roof.

One product for two benefits

Even though the product looks like paint, it is actually a liquid rubber membrane. The product is compatible with different types of sheet metal: galvanized steel, copper or aluminum. It is necessary to call on a professional specialized in painting sheet metal roofs. Indeed, this type of work requires professional expertise. In addition, the contractor has specialized equipment to handle the product and apply it properly on a flat or sloped roof. Here are the two main benefits of painting for tin roofs.


A rusty tin roof can considerably ugly the exterior of a building. This problem can even scare away potential buyers. This is why the application of a new paint will give it a new lease of life. It is also a good way to increase the value of your home. In addition, on the market, several colors are available. You therefore have the choice of repainting your roof in its original colour or daring a different colour.


Sheet metal roofing paint provides added protection for your metal siding. Indeed, the solid and uniform membrane will provide additional waterproofing and thus prevent water infiltration problems. In addition, it will protect your roof against the sun’s UV rays and also from all bad weather that can damage your roof in the medium and long term.

Painting your tin roof is a worthwhile investment. In addition, it will save the high costs of a complete roof replacement. Don’t wait any longer to treat your rusty sheet metal roof!

Read also: 10 advantages of metal roofing.

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