How do you know when you need to replace your roof paint?

Due to Quebec winter conditions, your metal roof may sometimes need a new coat of paint when spring arrives. This will allow it to obtain better durability and to withstand the weather more easily. Not sure if your roof is damaged or not? Here are some steps we suggest you follow to find out if you need to replace your roof paint.

Inspect your roof

The first step is to visually inspect your roof for any damage that may be there. To do this, we recommend that you bring specialized equipment before climbing on your roof (harness , ladder with hooks, etc.) This will allow you to perform your inspection safely and avoid injury. Also make sure you don’t walk too much on your roof: this could damage it further and make it less solid. Generally, it is recommended that you inspect your roof about twice a year, in the spring and fall.

Once you reach the roof with your ladder, first check it for any damage such as holes, dents, or cracks, which can let water seep inside. You should also make sure that the screws used to hold it in place are all present. Indeed, the holes left by missing screws can aggravate the risk of water infiltration. Also, check the roof for signs of discoloration or corrosion. If you see any of these problems, you will need to repair your roof before repainting it. This way, it will remain waterproof and protect you optimally.

Clean sheet metal carefully

To find out if you need to replace your roofing paint, you can also clean the sheet metal after inspecting it. This will allow you to better detect defects in order to repair them if necessary. To wash your roof, you will simply need to project low-pressure water up the roof slope so that it comes down naturally. By repeating this process in several places, you will be able to see if the water is flowing well or if debris is preventing it from flowing properly. If you see pieces of paint falling off the roof during cleaning or traces of rust, this is a sign that your roofing paint has peeled. You will therefore have to replace it quickly.

Have it professionally inspected

While it may be convenient to inspect your roof on your own, it’s always prudent to seek professional help with this task. Indeed, these experts have the skills and equipment necessary to check your roof and detect any defect that could affect its protection. So don’t hesitate to call Urbi Roofing for the inspection of your roof! We will be able to recommend the best solution to use depending on its condition. Contact us today at 1-877-447-8181 or fill out the contact form on our website.

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